Kumeia is the sustainable content platform for people who love the earth and want to save the planet.
Over the last few decades, we have witnessed a rapid decline in the health and resilience of the planet’s ecosystems. Due to our dependence on these ecosystems to provide our most basic needs, their decline can only limit our quality of life and future prosperity.
However, despite the present state of our natural world, it is possible to reverse the harmful effects of climate change. Together, we must act quickly to transition our economy and households towards green and sustainable principles.
In order to achieve this goal, we created our platform, Kumēia.
Our primary aim is to address the current knowledge and skills gap preventing people from meeting their sustainability targets. If you are a business owner or an eco-conscious family, we have the content that will guide you through the complexities of your journey. We hope that with our support, many homes and businesses will successfully operate with a near-zero climate impact.
Join our fast growing online community. Together, we will change the way we consume and inhabit our beautiful planet. One skill at a time.
Beyond our content offering, we want to help fund more climate action across Europe.
Members of our community will have the opportunity to collaborate with a number of verified green projects. Including tree planting initiatives, ecosystem restoration, plastic removal and clean energy production. All our project partners freely publish their data, so every investor can see, in detail, how their money has made a difference to the environment.
Discover the world of sustainability
Kumeia’s content is divided into four main categories:
Green Entrepreneurship
One of the most complex parts of combating climate change is decarbonising our economic activity and traditional industries. So, to help frame our discussions on this topic, we frequently invite guest writers to share their expert knowledge.
All of our contributors have, in some form, dedicated their professional careers to the cause of environmental action. For example, we have approached entrepreneurs, who have created viable green businesses, to get insights into their experience and process.
Climate action
In this section, we explore the ways in which climate change has reshaped our lives and ask how best we can solve the various problems in front of us.
Recently, we looked at the rise of tree planting projects and considered if they were indeed an effective method for firms to manage their carbon emissions. In our review, we discovered many projects had neglected some of the key components necessary for successful forestation.
Sustainable living
Sustainable living is a very important part of our platform. We firmly believe that an eco-conscious lifestyle can help individuals and families achieve greater financial security and personal fulfilment.
All our content here focuses on practical advice and skills. Ultimately, we want people to make better choices in the key areas of their daily life. For example, we help consumers identify real sustainable products over attempts at greenwashing and show them how they can use less energy at home.
Science leads to new understanding and new opportunities for us to grow.
We are often so caught up in our daily routines and do not have the time to fully engage with everything going on around us. Science is an area of major importance and finding the time to inform ourselves about it can add value to our work and personal life.
In our Science section, we pick out the stories that support our sustainability goals in a practical sense. We cover healthcare, environment and new green technology content that hopefully will inspire more skill-based solutions.
Kumeia is a nonprofit organisation based in Zürich, Switzerland. Follow us, so you don’t miss any of our content.